Scott tracks down a notorious fugitive jewel thief while Hooch gets obsessed with a squeaky toy.

This episode is all about Scott Turner (Josh Peck) trying to live up to expectations and be like the cool kids i.e.Trent (Matt Hamilton) and his T-squad, As his partner, Jessica Baxter (Carra Patterson) time in the field is ending soon with her due date getting closer by the day. Scott takes the opportunity to convince Trent to take him along to track down an elusive cat burglar Krista St. Jean (Elysia Rotaru). She was spotted a the Axiom Hotel in downtown San Francisco, it looks like she is preparing for a jewelry heist of some sort. Scott trying to impress the boys and prove Hooch’s worth to them has them ending up somewhere or someplace they’re not supposed to be.

Spoiler Alert! sold by Theater Hopper on Storenvy

(I would like to issue a Spoiler Warning beyond this point)

After getting the pillowcase from St. James’ room, it is now up to Hooch to use his nose to track her scent, He does pick up the fugitive’s scent and begins to head in the same direction of the trade show. However, after going around in a circle Hooch stops tracking, when Turner asked Hooch to continue it lead use to a pet shop where he got his new squeaky toy.

In what seems to be another unsuccessful attempt to track St. James Trent sidelining the two frustrating Turner. So in order to help Hooch become the best K9, he can become enlist the help of Erica () this includes rigorous tracking training with Hooch in the hopes he can better his ability to follow a scent to a culprit. Of course, obvious Erica & Turner flirting is occurring simultaneously.

After Baxter comments that Hooch went be fooled by an imposter, referring to the squeaky toys. That had Scott think about why Hooch would lose St. James when she was just reported being seen in the area he concluded that Krista had to be using a decoy to get the law of her trial. She accomplished this by paying people to wear her clothing in order to sway the scent tracking. Scott realizes that Hooch has been correct this entire time. He’s been following the correct scent consistently but it was hard to pinpoint one person when their scent was in every direction.

TURNER & HOOCH - "Diamonds are Furever" (Disney/Farah Nosh) TURNER & HOOCHHooch tracking the scent of Krista St. James image via Disney

Eventually, Turner, Hooch, and Baxter work together to find the suspect attempting to steal the jewelry before it even made it to the Golden State Trade Show, during the shoot-out St. James high-tails it out of there with a hefty lump sum of stolen goods. As Turner and Hooch are right behind, when using the squeaky toy as a decoy Turner is able to apprehend St. James.

Yet, without fail, Trent is there (in a helicopter, no less) to take full credit for the suspect being taken into custody, even though the entirety of the credit should be given to Turner

While he may not have the professional win, a personal win comes in the form of Brooke (Becca Tobin). His ex has moved work locations and is now working in the same building as Turner. Keep in mind that Turner has been obsessed with Brooke for years since their break-up. Things were looking peachy keen for the Erica & Turner relationship, but with this new addition, it looks like a love triangle is forming.

TURNER & HOOCH - "Diamonds are Furever" (Disney/Farah Nosh) ELYSIA ROTARU

Krista St. Jean image via Disney