Disney has released a full trailer for Pixar’s new animated adventure film Luca, this film an coming-of-age comedy fantasy set in a beautiful seaside town on the Italian Riviera about one young boy experiencing an unforgettable summer filled with gelato, pasta and endless scooter rides. Luca shares these adventures with his newfound best friend, but all the fun is threatened by a deeply-held secret: he is a sea monster from another world just below the water’s surface.


Image: Pixar Animation Studios

As Enrico Casarosa directorial debut the use a mythology sea monsters Luca (voiced by “Wonder” star Jacob Tremblay) and Alberto (voiced by “Shazam’s” Jack Dylan Grazer) who appear as human on land to address issues of inclusion and respect, is a wonderful metaphor for feeling different. Casarosa explained that he expanded on the 2D look of “La Luna,” with a vibrant depiction of the coastal fishing village that resembles an illustrated book. And the characters are reminiscent of stop-motion.

“The other side of being a kid is that you always feel like you’re the outsider,” Casarosa said. “Me and my friend felt like such losers when would hang out. And I love how the sea monster is a wonderful metaphor for feeling different.”

“We tried to bring some warmth to the computer animation,” he said, “so we really worked hard to make it more stylized and bring textures that are handmade.”

The movie was specifically inspired by Casarosa’s own summers growing up, particularly the close friendship he had with his friend Alberto, whom he named the character after. Both the real Alberto and the character he inspired are big, bright, larger-than-life personalities who pushed their shy friends out of their shells.

while Alberto inspires Luca, Alberto also gets much-needed validation from Luca. Their bond is deeply emotional and transformative. All three of the kids at the core of Luca find something in one another at this pivotal moment of their lives, when they step out from the comfort of their family bubble for the first time.

giulia, luca, and alberto eating pasta

Image: Pixar Animation Studios

“I was born in Genoa, and my summers were spent on beaches. I met my best friend when I was 11. I was really shy and I found this troublemaker of a kid who had a completely different life. I wanted to make a movie about those kinds of friendships that help you grow up.

“This is a deeply personal story for me, not only because it’s set on the Italian Riviera where I grew up, but because at the core of this film is a celebration of friendship. Childhood friendships often set the course of who we want to become and it is those bonds that are at the heart of our story in Luca,” Casarosa said in a statement when the film was first announced last year. “So in addition to the beauty and charm of the Italian seaside, our film will feature an unforgettable summer adventure that will fundamentally change Luca.”

Originally set to be theatrically released in the United States on June 18, 2021, Luca is scheduled to stream on Disney+ in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  Check out the film’s newest trailer below.