In this weeks episode of Disney Plus original series Big Shot, viewers get a deeper look into Marvyn Korn’s (John Stamos) life and his love for the game of basketball, However, it takes Coach Korn time to realize this himself after letting the hunger to win put him in College recruiter mode. this episode also exploring the pressures of being seen as someone who lives a lavish lifestyle through the lens of social media (Instagram).
The main plot of episode 4,”Great in the Living Room” was after Harper’s (Darcy Rose Byrnes) exposé on Coach Korn goes viral making him appear more human. There’s a feeling his losing his edge and people won’t take seeing has the Marvyn Korn who coach the University of Wisconsin Men’s basketball team, but more of a coach reminiscing about his glory days. After hearing of Laguna’s losing Savannah Gibson (Deja Mattox), Korn gears start turning and the idea to recruit Savannah to play at Westbrook. Believe this is the way he can show his value as a coach, he’ll have to convince Principle Thomas (Yvette Nicole Brown) that in order to get Savannah Westbrook need to offer a full scholarship (This will be important later). After agreeing Coach Korn puts on his College Recruiter cap reassuring Principle Thomas that once Savannah arrives she’ll leave a Siren, while because his great in the living room.
However, upon the end of Savannah trip Coach Korn learns that Carlsbad is offering not only the full ride, but some benefits for her parents such as a car and trips to Hawaii. Yes Savannah parents are those who have her whole life map out for her; attend UConn, be a WNBA first round Pick, sign a max deal, plus endorsements, then in the off-season, make 10x that amount overseas. We’ve all seen this parents depicted in media as the ones expecting greatness from their child sports journey, while financial benefiting from coaches and school in needs of their talent. Savannah also seemed so disinterested in Coach Korn’s whole recruitment speech, even looking at her phone several time during the tour.

The girls caught Coach Korn’s recruitment tour of Savannah Gibson (Nell Verlaque, Monique A. Green, Tisha Custodio)
Plot B happens to deal with Olive (Monique A. Green) as she continue to create a name for herself as a social media influencer by performing workouts in front of an emasculate beach house the brand Hana Kea Swimwear takes notice. Offering Olive a contract to be the spokesperson of Hana Kea and wear their swimsuits while she conducts her workouts and praise the products by telling followers how great Hana Kea Swimwear is. For Olive not have a parent or representative with her at this meeting seemed very odd, it was almost if she was taken advantage of by signing the contract on the spot.
Once Olive had a celebratory post up on her Instagram the true about the Hana Kea brand came to light. Followers let her know that this brand was involved in sweatshop labor, teammate Louise (Nell Verlaque) also commented she purchased a bikini from Hana Kea and the colors faded after three washes. Olive seeing the comments on her post as trolls, this still alarmed her enough to do some homework on the brand. This would later lead to Olive sharing a post dissing the brand entirely because of how they operate, a bad and childish decision on her part because she signed a contract. The Hana Kea rep was trying to get in touch with Olive who kept ignoring her calls, which in turn lead to her parents being involved because of the threat of a lawsuit against Olive.

Olive mother texted her to “Come Home Now!” in the following scene we she her enter a house that looks nothing like the Beach House in the background of her post. Apparently Olive was living a lie while at Westbrook giving her friends that she lives in the lap of luxury but in reality she more middle class and both her parent work overtime just to afford the tuition to attend Westbrook.
The main plot and plot B come together after Coach Korn watch the entire exposé he realizes that his desire to be seen as the Coach Korn of old by recruit Savannah was solely based on ego. Once he was able to see the people he was hurting with this decision he leaned more into the person his becoming and care more about the girls he already has in his life. This lead to him speaking to Olive parents about how vital she is to the team, so that scholarship Principle Thomas Ok’ed was then offer to Olive to help reduce some of the stress put her parents to pay Westbrook’s tuition. While they still had reservations that Westbrook was the reason Olive felt the need to lie to fit in with her teammates, however it was the joy she received from the likes on her social media post. This is a real issue a lot of us deal with in the social media age where if you don’t receive millions of likes on a post or you’re not showing a luxurious lifestyle on your page you are seen as a nobody.
The Next episode of Disney Plus original series Big Shot is scheduled for May 14, 2021.